We propose a modified design of a microstrip patch array antenna for RF energy optimization over 2.45 GHz WLAN communication applications. Initially, a one-patch and a two-patch array antennas were developed and considered as the base for the construction of a four-patch array antenna in the GSM 1800 frequency range. The energy usage by the WLAN application model includes a radiofrequency WLAN supply, a wireless connection, the proposed array antenna, impedance network matching, a voltage rectifier and a storage circuit that achieves higher efficiency. The proposed antenna design is utilized to examine the distance effect on the received RF power and it achieves the maximum efficiency of 47 % at 2.45 GHz at a 1-meter distance from the source. Improved gain is acquired at the expense of a greater array-antenna size with a -26 dB return loss, proving that it is much more efficient than other structures. Moreover, when experimentally analysed with HFSS, it delivers sufficient energy over WLAN applications.
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