For the past few years, environmental degradation caused by the discharge of heavy metals and organic contaminants has been a major source of worry. Using a natural adsorbent to tackle wastewater problems has recently been viewed as an environmentally friendly move that promotes sustainable development. Heavy metals have indeed been reduced in aqueous solutions using a variety of methods, include adsorption to the surfaces of agricultural residues. Lead is among the most toxic and common heavy metals found in industrial wastewater. In this research, adsorbents selected are moringa leaves, rice husk and coconut fibers, which are very low-cost materials, employed for the lead exclusion from industrial wastes. Thus, our study aims to investigate the ability of natural bio-sorbents to remove very toxic Pb2+ ions from aqueous solutions. Contact time, concentration, adsorbent-based dosage and pH were all evaluated as important factors in the adsorption mechanism. The adsorption efficiency was discovered to be pH dependent, rising as the solution pH was increased in the ranges of 2.5 to 6.5. After 120 min, the equilibrium state was reached, and the optimum removal rate was obtained with a 1.5 g adsorbent loaded weight. The adsorption equilibrium capability of the lead-adsorbing materials was evaluated and estimated utilizing linear Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms, with the experimental results fitting the Freundlich isotherm models.
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