About the Journal

Materials and Technology (MIT) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original scientific research in the field of materials and metallurgy. The journal is published six times a year in printed and electronic forms.

Focus and scope
Materials and Technology publishes original scientific articles and review articles in the field of metallic and inorganic materials, polymers, nanomaterials, metallurgy and vacuum technology.

Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, Ljubljana, Slovenia

IMPOL Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia • METAL Ravne, Slovenia • TALUM Kidričevo, Slovenia • Slovenian Materials Society (SDM)
Publication of the journal is co-financed by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS).

Paul John McGuiness, Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Assistant Editor-in-Chief
Matjaž Godec, Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Honorary Editor-in-Chief
Matjaž Torkar, Slovenia

Technical Editor
Miro Pečar, Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
E-mail: mit@imt.si

Bibliographic data
ISSN 1580-2949 (print edition)
ISSN 1580-3414 (online, open access edition)

Journal metrics
JCR – Journal Citation Reports 2023 • IF: 0.6 • 5-year Journal IF: 0.6
Scopus/SJR Journal Metrics 2023 CiteScore: 1.3 • SJR: 0.198 • H Index: 32
Scopus/CWTS Journal Indicators 2023 • SNIP: 0.319

Published bi-monthly (six issues per year)
Publication language: English with translations of titles, abstracts and key words into Slovene
Cover design: Ignac Kofol
Prepress and printed by: ABO graphics d. o. o., Ljubljana
Format: 207 mm × 290 mm
Circulation: 400 copies


Keywords: materials, metallurgy, metals, alloys, nanomaterials, polymers

Open access
The journal Materials and Technology supports open access to scientific publications and research data in Slovenia in accordance with the National Strategy of Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data. The gold open-access model enables immediate open access to scientific publications. Access to scientific publications is free for users. For publication in the journal, the publisher charges the publication fee. Slovenian researchers working in Slovenia and abroad are exempted from payment of publication fee. If research data is linked to a scientific publication in our journal, you can save it in the DiRROS repository.

Publication of a contribution € 400,00
Publication of the conference paper (ICM&T) € 150,00

Scientific publications in the journal are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Copyrights are retained by the authors. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or create links to the full text of the papers or use for any other lawful purpose without prior consent of the publisher or the author, provided that the author and the title of the original work, including the title of the journal, and a link to the website of the scientific publication are credited (DOI number).

Publisher's note
Institute of Metals and Technology is neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published articles and institutional affiliations.

Reviewing process
The articles are processed through anonymous peer review. The reviewing process typically lasts 3-4 months.

Authors provide the details of two potential reviewers (in the MIT checklist) who can make an independent assessment of the quality of the manuscript. The purpose of the reviewing procedure is to have the manuscripts evaluated objectively, and so suggested reviewers with local affiliations and who may be too closely associated with the authors will be disregarded.

After the review process, the manuscript will be returned to the corresponding author, with the decision of the Editor and, if appropriate, the reviews of the referees. If the paper is accepted, the author will be asked to revise the manuscript in accordance with the referees’ comments and return it to the MIT Editorial Office, together with the list of all the changes made.

If the changes made are insufficient, the manuscript will have to be revised again until it is acceptable for publication, or it will be rejected

If research data is linked to a scientific publication in our journal, you can save it in the DiRROS repository or to another trusted repository.

History of the journal

The journal began to be published way back in 1967 as Železarski zbornik (1967-1991). In 1992, it was renamed Metals Alloys Technologies (1992-1999). In addition to the contributions from the field of metallic materials, the expansion of content also extended to the field of inorganic materials, polymers and materials for the purpose of vacuum technology. Due to the introduction of new areas of interest, the journal was also renamed. Since 2000, the journal has been called Materials and Technology. In 1996, the journal began to be published in parallel with the printed version in electronic form.

ISSN 0372-8633 Železarski zbornik (print edition)
ISSN 1318-0010 Metals Alloys Techonogies (print edition)
ISSN 1580-1276 Metals Alloys Techonogies (online edition)
ISSN 1580-2949 Materials and Technology (print edition)
ISSN 1580-3414 Materials and Technology (online, open access edition)

Journal archive
All contributions from 1967 onwards, when the journal began to be published, are stored in the archive of the journal. Also, all contributions are permanently stored in the Digital Library of Slovenia (dLib), where they are filed under all three titles of the journal Železarski zbornik, Metals Alloys Technologies, Materials and Technology. From 2025, contributions are also stored in the Digital repository of research organizations of Slovenia (DiRROS).

From 2025, contributions are also stored in the Digital repository of research organizations of Slovenia (DiRROS).

Subscription to the print edition

Subscription to the printed journal MIT (Slovenia) € 42,00
Subscription to the printed journal MIT (other countries) € 85,00
Single copy € 7,00

All listed prices are exclusive of VAT. Delivery of the journal is included in the price. The recipient is responsible for covering any import duties or other taxes. The legal title is transferred to the client upon delivery. Single copies of the current issue or previous issues are available at the current single-copy price.

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